10:00am - 11:00am, AACS2 Adopter Agreement
11:00am - 11:30am, RVU Alliance Update
11:30am - 12:00pm, Legislative Update
10:00am - 11:00am, AACS2 Adopter Agreement
AACS LA has just issued the documents (AACS2 Adopter Agreement) to specify and license the technology to be used for the protection of audiovisual content to be released on Ultra HD Blu-ray Discs starting this fall (and potentially for use in relation to other formats and in other contexts in the future).
AACS LA's Don Leake (Co-Manager of AACS LA, LLC and Program Director, Copy Protection Business Development for IBM, to review the latest version of the AACS Adopter Agreement) will make a presentation explaining this new technology, the rules for its use, and the terms and conditions of the new licensing agreements applicable to the new technology.
NOTE: The previous publication of the Final AACS Adopter Agreement was in 2009. During the meeting, Bruce Turnbull presented.
11:00am - 11:30am, RVU Alliance update
Nathan Zerbe (Director, Engineering. DirecTV) will present an update surrounding the RUV Alliance's recent work regarding dtcp-ip protection for 4k/UHD services.
11:30am - 12:00pm, Jim Burger's Legislative Update
*Legislative Updates are presented by Jim Burger of Thompson Coburn LLP.